With the weather getting nicer (but still, ugh, unpredictable), we would give anything to get out of the city for a weekend. But who really wants to stand in line for check-in and security…actually, who really wants to stand in line for anything? This query inspired us to look into exactly how much it would cost to forgo those formalities and charter a private jet to various hotspots outside of NYC with a few of our closest travel pals. The "bargain" trips are naturally the ones closest to home, but to travel to the Bahamas and back (if you can get us to leave…) in a seven-seater will cost you a reasonable $25,000. Meanwhile, a round-trip to Miami for seven is only $15K (actually, that's $2,142.86 per person, if we're gonna go halfsies…er, sevensies).
The longer trips are (obvs) a little more spendy. You and 11 of your closest mates can hop over the pond to London in a "heavy jet," but it'll cost you $80,000 big ones. For a more tropical permanent relocation vacay, a trip to Belize for 12 will run around $60K. Thankfully, you can breathe a little easier if you want to haul eight people to and fro' L.A. in a "super mid-sized" jet. You'll pay a measly $45,000 and return back to NY just in time to catch the tail-end of winter.
While these general jet-setting price points are subject to change depending on various factors, isn't there comfort in knowing a tropical dream is just $60K away? What are you waiting for? You deserve it. Book now, thank us later.
Courtesy of PlaneClear