We may be more button-down and zip-up these days, but our love for the old '70s style concert shirt is still as strong for our love of old '70s concert rock. These dual obsessions not only mean we have a thing for Swedish modern prog rocker Dungen, but we also have a thing for the Rotter and Friends line of '70s inspired T-shirts he modeled for their lastest lookbook. With silkscreened tributes to Captain Beefheart, Graham Nash, and Karen Dalton, the weathered cotton mementos fit Dungen's 1978 stoner-rock look perfectly. Actually, we're just about to click on their webstore and pick up the Bob Seger tee from the current season. The '70s never die and just like Seger sang, in many ways, we're "Still the same."

For more information go to www.rotterandfriends.com. For information about Dungen go to www.dungen-music.com.