New Year's Resolutions from the Fashion Flock: Alex Wang, Erin Wasson, The Selby, and more... By Christene Barberich

A brand new year is upon us (thank heavens!!), and in honor of ushering in 2009, we decided to check in with some very stylish friends about what they're planning, promising, and putting at the top of their resolution lists. As for us, we resolve to continue to make the inter-web an utter hot-zone of good vibes and good fashion. That, and read Baudelaire. And try bikram yoga…again.
erin-wasson-nyr-3Erin Wasson, Model/Designer: "Next year, I'm definitely devoting myself to saving and adopting more animals. I will be on a crusade to do as much as I can. Yes, I can only imagine how crowded my house will be by 2010!"
susanna-lau-nyrSusanna Lau, Fashion Guru/Blogger, Style Bubble: "My New Year's resolution is to buy more of the right stuff, less of the shit stuff…oh, and to get a bloody sewing machine in the house!"
Alexander Wang, Designer: "Hmmm I haven't really made any new year's resolutions—I find that its better to surprise myself than to have expectations I can't keep. But I guess if I had to make one it would be to eat more organic…no junk food. Except for maybe pineapple buns!"
todd-selby-nyrTodd Selby, Photographer, The Selby: "My New Year's resolution is I want to be able to touch my toes doing a forward bend." Photo by Backyard Bill
harley-viera-newton-nyrHarley Viera-Newton, Model, DJ, and Musician: "My New Year's resolution is to sleep more and drink less…I've yet to see a resolution come to fruition, but it's the thought that counts, right?"
meslissa-coker-nyr-2Melissa Coker, Designer, Wren: "To spend more time at nice places like Griffith Park and the Huntington Library. And to eat more Omega-3s."
miranda-july-nyrMiranda July, Artist and Director: My New Year's resolution is to call and visit my brother more. Not very exciting, but true. It's so easy to slip out of touch. Photo by RJ Shaughnessy for PIG magazine
rumi-neely-nyrRumi Neely, Blogger, Fashion Toast: "To travel more and to finally move to New York." Photo by Garance Doré
scott-sternberg-nyrScott Sternberg, Designer, Band of Outsiders: "I resolve to have two cups of coffee in the morning before emailing people as I've learned one is no longer sufficient. I also plan to cook more."
kristen-lee-nyrKristen Lee, Shoe Designer and Store Owner, TenOverSix: "I resolve to drink more water. For real. A liquid diet of coffee and wine dehydrates! I am buying myself a beautiful new water carafe to inspire me. I also resolve to enjoy feeling represented by our government for the first time in eight years. I really don't want to take this for granted for a second."
lisa-mayock-nyrLisa Mayock, Designer, Vena Cava: "By the end of 2009, I'd like to learn enough Spanish to be able to chat comfortably with the dude who owns the bodega downstairs."
dan-george-ksubi-nyrDan Single and George Gorrow, Designers, Ksubi: "Our New Year's resolution is 300 dpi—last year was 72."
Tina Chai, Stylist: "My new year's resolution is to try to be less neurotic—is that too revealing?"
elizabeth-yarborough-nyrElizabeth Yarborough, Designer, Yarborough Jewelry: "I have made many, many resolutions for the new year. At the top of my list is reading, which has fallen by the wayside recently. In 2009, I resolve to shut out the world and read for at least an hour every day, starting in January with some stuffy English Lit." Photo by Kava Gorna
kenzo-minami-nyrKenzo Minami, Designer: "This year if I have two choices between something familiar and something new (something I have never done, chosen, or tasted), I would like to choose the latter and step out of my comfort zone as much and as often as possible next year. Something foreign over familiar, something unknown over known, and something new over something old and comfortable."
abigail-lorick-nyr-2Abigail Lorick, Designer, Lorick: "My New Year's resolution is to get health insurance. And to be more selfless."
wendy-mullin-nyrWendy Mullin, Designer, Built by Wendy: "Go more places, stay longer."
timo-weiland-nyrTimo Weiland, Designer: "In 2009, I am holding myself to spending more time perched atop my old-school fire escape—it is quintessential antique New York, and the most solid ideas and epiphanies have always happened to find me out there."
steinunn-portrait-nyrSteinunn Sigurd, Designer, Steinunn: "To participate in projects that will help restart the economy in Iceland, such as collaborating with the University on promoting creative thinking. After all, a stimulated mind is the best natural resource."
andrew-andrew-nyr%5DAndrew Andrew, Interdisciplinary Creativity Team/DJs: "New Year's resolutions are like a precusor to guilt because you know you won't do it. So, I don't know, start smoking again? Last year on the day after Christmas, Andrew surprised me with a trip to Tokyo. Now, we have a tradition of waking up on New Year's in a new city we've never been to. Every city has different traditions, like in Tokyo, they burn furniture. And in New Orleans (where we're going this year) it's tradition to shoot your gun up at the sky, so we'll be dodging bullets."
chrissie-1229Chrissie Miller, Designer, Sophomore: "My New Year's resolution is to be Fitter, Happier, More Productive. Its a Radiohead lyric."New Year's Resolutions from the Fashion Flock: Alex Wang, Erin Wasson, The Selby, and more...

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