New Year's Resolutions from the Fashion Flock: Alex Wang, Erin Wasson, The Selby, and more... By Christene Barberich
A brand new year is upon us (thank heavens!!), and in honor of ushering in 2009, we decided to check in with some very stylish friends about what they're planning, promising, and putting at the top of their resolution lists. As for us, we resolve to continue to make the inter-web an utter hot-zone of good vibes and good fashion. That, and read Baudelaire. And try bikram yoga…again.

Alexander Wang, Designer: "Hmmm I haven't really made any new year's resolutions—I find that its better to surprise myself than to have expectations I can't keep. But I guess if I had to make one it would be to eat more organic…no junk food. Except for maybe pineapple buns!"

Tina Chai, Stylist: "My new year's resolution is to try to be less neurotic—is that too revealing?"