I have a friend who has a penchant for weird, '70s and '80s-type gear that your father might've worn on the disco dance floor while rocking a big 'fro and some pointy-toed shoes. Lately, his obsession has been these two vintage wildcat sweaters, which he claims he bought for $80 apiece at a speciality shop in Brooklyn. So imagine my surprise when I saw his sweater doppleganger on Style File this morning. Yes indeed, the novelty sweater is back, which means it's time to call on your dear 'ol grandma and ask her to pull out her sewing kit and put the best feline face forward. Well, we could've called this one months ago, when we lauded the return of the Cosby sweater. Mark our words: This will be the year your bad Christmas reindeer jumper could be the envy of every cool kid from the East Village to Sunset Park. And a free sweater from granny sure beats having to shell out thousands for a runway version! (Style File)
Above: A Krizia sweater from 1981, Krizia runway look from fall '92 (images via Style.com).