New York has been home to thousands of amazing art projects, so coming up with something new and engaging is a huge task in the city that's seen it all. However, OPEN CEREMONY has caught our attention not only for its innovative and diverse approach to art, but also because it celebrates the past, present, and future of our beloved island. Artist Legacy Russell is working with Trust Art to put this four-part piece together, with each section exploring a different aspect of public worship and thought. The first part, "Rite of Remembrance: Memory Transcription", consists of Russell taking to the streets with a table, two chairs, a typewriter, and a question: "What memories do you have of living in this neighborhood?" Anyone can pull up a chair and chat with Russell, and the results have highlighted how diverse memory can be—for example, memories include, "Many of my friends from the neighborhood ended up joining the service and went to Vietnam—ironic to join the service to avoid dying here", and "I remember paying 80 dollars a month in rent. Now THAT is rent control." So far, OPEN CEREMONY is only focusing on Lower Manhattan, but you can keep tabs on where Russell is collecting stories at Trust Art and on Facebook. Don't be afraid to sit down for a chat if you see a girl with a typewriter in your neighborhood—she just wants to hear what's on your New York state of mind.