We gotta hand it to D.C.: Though we can resort to big-box stores and online plunderings when it gets down to the wire, this city keeps giving us amazing one-stop-shopping opportunities to grab creative, totally local gifts. Today, Puro Café is hosting a full-on artists' bazaar, with more than 15 of the District’s most-talented jewelry designers selling their favorite pieces.
With an array of items this diverse at your fingertips, you’ll be able to find something more conservative for Grandma, something quirky-funky for your bestie, and something classy-femme for Mom. And however you define your own personal style, they’ll have something for that, too. We think a multi-artist trunk show at a cool cafe with gift-giving options galore is the best way to spend those few hours between the workday and the official weekend. Just say no to TV reruns and mindless snacking (though we understand the allure) in favor of a festive, productive evening that might knock out your shopping list in one fell swoop.
P.S. You'll still have Sunday for unabashed DVR'ing in your jammies.
When: Today from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Puro Cafe, 1529 Wisconsin Avenue NW; 202-787-1937.