Push-ups are normally pretty tough. But, if you’re ready to improve your workout game and want to make this upper-body staple even more challenging, we have just the move for you.
This next-level exercise goes by many names, including the diamond push-up, the triangle push-up, and perhaps our favorite, the my-triceps-are-going-to-love/hate-me-for-this push-up.
The set-up is similar to a traditional push-up, but instead of having your wrists directly under your shoulders, bring your pointer fingers and thumbs together, forming a triangle directly under your chest. Then, lower your torso toward the floor as you would normally.
There's a reason this exacting variation made it into our "7 Moves For Killer Arms" routine — the minor tweak in hand positioning has been shown to elicit more muscle activation in the triceps, as compared to similar back-of-the-arm exercises.
Consider this a call to arms for your triceps.