We're super into the idea of girl power—it wasn't too long ago that we were battling evil in our minds, joining the pantheon of Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Storm (we're not even gonna tell you our superhero name). But a fresh-faced, foxy female is ready to give these adventurous icons (us included) a run for their money. Enter Juniper Frost, contemporary knitwear Qi's very own made-up superhero, whose invaded Gotham's streets. Unlike Catwoman, this bad-ass knows that the all-leather look is so yesterday, so she's switched it up with some sleek cashmere pieces. It's all part of a tribute Qi's design director Karina Mazzilli is paying to the legends of Marvel and DC Comics with a fall '10 collection, "Super Bad," that has us ready for any Big Apple adventure. In staying true to the brand's sexy and modern reputation, the super-soft line has incorporated off-kilter designs into traditional knitwear—it's all about space age ribs, strong shoulders, buckle trims, and tough looking Italian leather. Although we aren't sure if the collection will give you super powers, we know for certain you'll feel like it does. So c'mon wonder-women: Say "oui" to Qi!

If you're dreaming about being Juniper Frost's sidekick, today's your lucky day. We are giving one lucky winner the SHIELD asymmetrical knit sweater jacket ($312). Just post a picture on our Facebook wall of your favorite super-hero. The one that make's us wanna kick some ass scores the look!
Qi's Super Bad Line is available at Darling; 339 West 12th Street (between Greenwich and Washington streets); 212-367-3750.