Official designer to H.R.H. Queen Elizabeth II, Stewart Parvin has just let loose a deluge of his liege's peculiar style secrets to The Sunday Times. Some highlights: the Queen wears bold colors because of her small stature, she pads one shoulder more than the other due to a slight imbalance, and she never, ever sweats.
Most interesting of all, however, is the fact that QE2 has her own royal shoe wearer — a member of her house staff tasked with breaking in Her Majesty's kicks before they ever reach her feet. Says Parvin, "[The shoes] have to be immediately comfortable...she does get someone to wear them. The Queen can never say 'I'm uncomfortable, I can't walk any more.' She has the right to have someone wear them in [for her]."
Indeed, we would probably outsource our blisters to a willing professional, too (provided we could afford it). However, we have to ask — has Her Majesty never heard of Easy Spirit Pumps? (The Daily Mail)
Photo: via Wikipedia.