"This is the foundation our queer foremothers laid, and while there is still work to do, there are a lot of possibilities when we come together."
"That would be the first queer space that I was a part of because it was created between us, by lesbians and bisexual women."
"They rented out entire boliches, or nightclubs, to celebrate themselves just as they were."
"[Loverbar] was [a space] that brought safety for people. We know that not everyone feels that way, but for many people, it was a safe space that brought so much happiness and community."
"They understood me as a person. We would sit down to talk about our lives, about our experiences, about what hurt us, about what made us happy. That space specifically was a necessary one, and it’s still necessary because we don’t have one right now."
"I believe that safe spaces for lesbians are always under construction because while there are many challenges that we still have to overcome, we remain entrenched in the idea that loving ourselves and living sapphically is our right."