Ballerinas and Surfers: Our 2 Fave Kind Of Chicks In 1 Flick!

In a magnificent new must-watch short film, Quiksilver profiles the similarities between two of the most beautiful forms of movement — dancing and surfing. Both sports embrace elegant exercise, and encourage the utmost of grace — not to mention the backbone it takes to rise to the top (early a.m. workouts in freezing water and Black Swan-style bloody feet — eek!).
As she interviews three dance divas, four-time World Champion surfer-cum-documentarian Stephanie Gilmore pinpoints the parallel to her sport perfectly: "The wave is your stage and the sun is a spotlight." Well put! This vid is highly recommended (just click through) — watching both styles of athletes in action is nothing short of awe-inducing, and at the very least, will really inspire you to step your weekend game!

Photo and Video: Courtesy of Quiksilver.

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