Rachel Comey's Long Island escape makes Fashion Week prep more play than work.
Designer Rachel Comey doesn't let the long, crazy hours of prepping for fall Fashion Week spoil her summer fun. In fact, she shuttles her whole team out to her Greenport, Long Island house to share a mix of draping and fittings, lobster dinners, and carnival rides. Here are Rachel's summer snapshots with a sneak peek at some Spring 2009 pieces in the works.

Left: The outside of my house—an old laundry building from the '20s, now covered with ivy. Right: Testing out my solar-powered crystal turning that I found at a yard sale that AM. Looking for solar power to help me through 'til Sept 5th!

Riding my bike to the beach with my friend Brian's float.

Left: Tomorrow is the 4th of July, so I hang my old flag off the front of the house. Right: Another day of draping and working on the porch. For my whole life, it has been my dream to be able to incorporate my work into my personal life in a pleasant and productive way. Finally, after many, many years of working toward this, I can now say I have found the necessary amazing people and really special place where I can make that happen.

Spring fabrics and shoe parts on the rocks

Hey Min, and Kyung Wa arrive to work with me draping muslins. It is so nice to spread out around the house and on the porch while avoiding phones and computer interruptions. Our goal is to drape as many key pieces as we can and then worry about the patterns later when we are back in the city.

Greenport has an amazing small carnival that comes to town every year. Lots of fun rides and an amazingly cool and diverse crowd. For the fireworks, we lie on our backs in the middle of the high school's football field. A real patriotic day.

Left: I always cook seafood when I am out there as we have a great fish market and marina within walking distance. Tonight: lobster and steamers. I like to steam the clams in Bass Ale and chopped shallots. Right: Eating and making a lobster mess on the back porch.

Left: We did a little dancing around the house too. Right: What a young fox Prince was.
Me making some cut offs. Goofy faced.
Me making some cut offs. Goofy faced.
Rachel Comey's Long Island escape makes Fashion Week prep more play than work.