Today: Get To Know This On-The-Rise Artist Who’s Inspired By Amanda Bynes

As we all know, inspiration can come from just about anything — an early morning run, a great conversation, and sometimes even Amanda Bynes. Such is the case with on-the-rise artist Rachel Libeskind whose work pulls references from literally everything — we're talking socialist propaganda, fine art, and even porn. So, we caught up with the 24-year-old creative on the day of her second solo show opening (yes, we mean today) to talk pop culture, the exciting energy of NYC, and of course, that dimple-pierced celeb we can't get enough of. Click through for our exclusive interview and make sure to stop by “Rachel Libeskind: The Wild
West,”on display now at Chelsea's
Hansel and Gretel Picture Garden.


Images: Courtesy of Rachel Libeskind


How has New York shaped your art?
"The energy of NYC plays a major role in my work. I find being in New York endlessly exciting and inspiring. It is the only city in the world that can feed you this kind of creative energy. There's a reason it's the art world's home base."

What makes this show different than the last one (your first)?
"The work in this show has a much wider range of medium and size. I would like to think the work shows some major developments in my creative style and techniques. This show is also much more cohesive. The themes are less diluted and more pronounced."

Pop culture is very prominent in your work — what do you think emblematizes pop culture today?
"The Internet, the digital, the constant personal archive we all have on our laptops or cell phones. We interact with the world, and thus with pop culture, through images —  pop culture today is characterized by photo memes and clever gifs. The aesthetic of the digital is a major aspect as well."

Who inspires you? 
"In no particular order: the entire real housewives franchise (no allegience to any particular city), Lana del Rey, Marina Ambromovich, people who make useless but beautiful things, the guy on WNYC who reads the news to me every morning, Amanda Bynes (an unrecognized surrealist poet and possibly the first ever cross-over, pop-to-performance artist)."

What do you hope to accomplish in the coming year
"This year I want to show my work in Berlin, my hometown."

Hansel and Gretel Picture Garden, 511 West 20th Street (at 10t
Images: Courtesy of Rachel Libeskind

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