An oversized, slouchy, baggy, boho gown is de rigeur for Rachel Zoe to wear at any one of her fashion fêtes, but one black number in particular worn at the recent MOCA gala raised some "what's under her dress?" questions. Yes, folks. It was a baby bump. The stylist du jour is now having her own shutting-it-down moment with her special announcement via Twitter and Facebook: "I want to officially confirm to my loyal friends and followers that I am pregnant!" We (and most of all daddy-wannabe Roger) can now let out a huge sigh of relief. We don't know if Zoe will be styling our A-list starlets come Oscar month, or if she'll be doing her fashion week rounds early 2011, but what we do foresee is Rachel toting around her Birkin as a diaper bag (à la Kate Moss), or maybe dubbing babies as the newest It accessory? We. would. die. (E!)