We had a bit of a WTF moment when we peeped this 18k-gold-plated, diamond-studded security tag pin on Coolhunting recently. NYC-based art director Justin Gignac created the pin with the idea of elevating an everyday item into the fashion and art realms. While most of us in the office have a magpie-like affinity for shiny, pretty things, we're not sure whether we're on board with Gignac's vision. Security tags are one of the most annoying things about shopping, so it'd be pretty tough to get us to wear one by choice. And is it just us, or do the diamonds make the pin a little...tacky? Plus, if we had $700 laying around, we think we'd be more inclined to put it towards those amazing lace Valentino pumps from our party shoes roundup than spend it one of these babies. What about you? Are you in the bring-on-the-bling camp or is it just too much? (Coolhunting)
If you're into the excess, snap up the pin from Security!'s online store or at Reed Space, 151 Orchard Street (bewteen Stanton and Rivington streets); 212-253-0588.