Given the influential and creative (and, of course, enjoyable) nature of fashion and music, it's only natural that the two worlds overlap every once in a while. The success stories range from Coachella and (really awesome) festival street style, to musicians who make their own costumes, and anytime we hear about this cool combination, it's music to our ears. That's why we couldn't be more excited when we we got the news that everyone's favorite Swedish deej, Avicii, was teaming up with Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply to be the face of their new campaign.
The 22-year-old DJ and producer is not only super talented and accomplished — he's already worked with the likes of David Guetta and signed with EMI in 2010 — he's also not terrible to look at (plus, we know you're still blasting this at work). D&S couldn't have picked a more gorgeous (Grammy-nominated) superstar to rep their brand. We'll get pulled in for the face (and the "Blue Steel" pout), but stay for the perfect-fitting jeans we know and love. Who knows, maybe Avicii will permanently add "model" to his already overflowing resumé. We definitely wouldn't mind — hey Avicii, call us maybe?
Photo: Courtesy of Joe Gazzola/Ralph Lauren