Welcome to Rate The Runway! If you're all about Fashion Week—you know, stalk Anna Wintour, rip-the-clothes-right-off-the-models obsessed—channel your enthusiasm into our new contest that lets you rate outfits as they come off the catwalk. Here's the lowdown on how it works: From September 12 to September 30, we'll have 30 rounds of Rate The Runway—two rounds per day! Each round will have a different theme, which can be anything from "Best Girls' Night Outfit" to "Best Statement Jewelry We'd Rob A Bank For." Cast your vote by simply clicking on which image you think best interprets the theme—you get 10 points for every round you enter, 10 points for liking each round on facebook, and 10 points if you happen to chose the winning image. If you miss some, don't worry! You can go back at any time and vote in any rounds you might have missed until the whole contest is over. We'll tally up the scores in the end and dish out some seriously sweet prizes to the winners, so what are you waiting for? Get clicking!
Round 21: Check Out These Lust-Worthy Bags Straight From Fashion Week
We're going to go ahead and call bags the queens of all accessories. From sleek and simple leather to wild patterns and fabrics, bags are the ultimate way to show off your signature style—not to mention they hold all of your crap day in and day out. We've rounded up six of the most lust-worthy bags from Fashion Week, so chose the one you'll be dreaming about for months to come.