When we first heard that Confederacy was getting rid of its womenswear section, we were quite bummed. Now, we have something to be excited about as it was just announced that Rebecca Minkoff is moving in with a permanent pop-up store within the store. According to an interview with Minkoff for Style.com, the handbag and womenswear designer has always had a soft spot for the West Coast. “L.A. is extremely important to us. We already have such a strong connection with our East Coast consumer that we wanted that same relationship on the West Coast. Brick and mortar allows us to interact with the customer in a way we previously haven’t been able to.” Minkoff's shop is set to open in June and will also have showroom/celeb suite for when her A-list fans and clients stop by to shop.
Confederacy, 4661 Hollywood Boulevard (at North Vermont Avenue); 323-913-3040.