Rebecca Zhou, Experience and Product Strategist, Gin Lane
Last year, Rebecca produced a fashion-meets-tech benefit called “Raise Cache” for hacker advocacy group HackNY, to which Gin Lane contributed heavily. After working with the media collective, Rebecca was won over — she calls their energy “positive and envelope-pushing” — and joined their team in December of 2011, honing their online/offline, mobile, and retail experience strategy with moxie and insightfulness.

Hands down, best professional advice you ever got:
“There’s no secret sauce or miracle; all anyone can do is do good work and more often than not, good things will come.”
“There’s no secret sauce or miracle; all anyone can do is do good work and more often than not, good things will come.”
What skill or habit do you think is vital for success?
“Curiosity: I try to approach everything with curiosity by never being afraid to ask questions and constantly pushing myself to explore and learn about things that intrigue me.”
“Curiosity: I try to approach everything with curiosity by never being afraid to ask questions and constantly pushing myself to explore and learn about things that intrigue me.”
Technology of choice OR your Working Girl Essentials?
“Instagram. Most people would probably say Instagram detracts from their work because it is distracting, but for me it’s one of the best resources to use as a strategist. A large part of what I do is work to deeply understand people and figure out how to engage and motivate them. I think Instagram is the best way to get a sincere glimpse into people’s lives, what they care about, and what they feel.”
“Instagram. Most people would probably say Instagram detracts from their work because it is distracting, but for me it’s one of the best resources to use as a strategist. A large part of what I do is work to deeply understand people and figure out how to engage and motivate them. I think Instagram is the best way to get a sincere glimpse into people’s lives, what they care about, and what they feel.”
What’s your favorite thing to wear to work?
“A maxi-dress! There is no other piece of clothing that is as comfortable, easy, and no-fuss that still allows you to look ultra-professional. Why not feel like you’re wearing comfy pajamas all day?” (We ask ourselves the same question every morning.)
“A maxi-dress! There is no other piece of clothing that is as comfortable, easy, and no-fuss that still allows you to look ultra-professional. Why not feel like you’re wearing comfy pajamas all day?” (We ask ourselves the same question every morning.)
Photographed by Sunny Shokrae