Yes, the dow has dropped again. But fashion shares your lack of shares. So much so that like the grocery store and the used car lot before it, the industry has decided to revive the two-for-one-special. But you can put away your coupon shears, because designers Rachel Comey, Victor Glemaud and Lynne Hiriak have put a more stylish bend on the 'something for nothing' trend. See: Their recession appropriate cardigans. Like conjoined twins, each of the cozy knits includes an additional piece attached. Who could afford not to snap up one of Victor Glemaud's grey/white two-fors this spring (available at Odin)? Because frankly, the only thing more practical than a cardigan, is a cardigan with another cardigan attached to it.
Above, from left:2-for-1 cardigans from Victor Glemaud, Rachel Comey, and Lynne Hiriak.