Softball at Planet Social Sports
Batter up! Sign up for the 10-on-10 co-ed softball league at Planet Social Sports, which meets on Sunday evenings in Pasadena. The organization also regularly puts on fun events, such as trivia nights and ski trips, so you'll get a chance to hang with your new friends off the field, too. This cute outfit is all you need to knock one out of the park.

Soccer at Zog Sports
Whether you're a so-so soccer player or a regular Mia Hamm, you'll love Zog Sports. Their co-ed soccer league plays on Sunday afternoons in Santa Monica and Playa Vista. After you sweat it out on the field, toast to a fun match at the weekly post-game happy hour with your teammates.

Alpha Running
Never set foot on a boring treadmill again. Join one of Alpha Running's numerous group programs, which specialize in helping runners prepare for marathons. (Don't worry, though— they've got something for you even if you're a total beginner.) They offer weekly group runs, help from certified coaches, social events, and more. Trust, the fun group dynamic will definitely motivate you to go that extra mile.

World Team Tennis
Hate scrambling to find a hitting partner? World Team Tennis' L.A. rec league will place you on a team based on your skill level. Matches are played on weeknights at different locations on the Westside, and registration is ongoing. Equal parts competitive and social, WTT is the perfect way to meet people who share your interest in the sport.