Reese Witherspoon Reminds Everyone That You Can Make It In Hollywood Without A Sex Tape

At last night's MTV Movie Awards, Reese Witherspoon used her acceptance speech for the Generation Award to impart some words of wisdom to all the rising stars out there. It's sometimes easy to confuse reality "celebrities" with real actors and actresses, so Witherspoon used her moment to remind everyone that while she gets that it's "cool to be a bad girl," it is still possible to make it in Hollywood without a reality show and without a sex tape—in essence, that talent still matters in the industry. Of equal but greater why-isn't-this-common-sense importance, the actress also reminded the audience that if you're going to take a nude photo of yourself, "hide your face, people!" The truth may hurt (we're looking at you, Kim Kardashian and Blake Lively), but truer words have never been spoken. (HuffPo)

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