When it comes to making friends, NYC's a tough town. The social tribes tend to congregate in one area, be it the L.E.S. hipster gallerists, the U.E.S. Hermès hoarders, or the Brooklyn organic farmers. But, we know you're popular—you're cool with all the social circles, and you're on everyone's guest list. So, tastemakers, we want to be your friend, and we think you'll like what we bring to the table! Enter our new Facebook page, with exclusive content for all of R29's local sites, including the most important city in the world, New York. We've got polls, editor-approved stories, and "Back Talk," our new feature where we ask our very best friends (you again) for all their insider access and city secrets. Plus, we're running lots and lots of exclusive giveaways—starting this week—that you can get ONLY on our Facebook page. Check back daily to see what's going on, talk to other R29 fans, and start a conversation...friends with benefits never sounded so good.