Refinery29’s On Google Play Newsstand!

It's been an amazing year at Refinery29, and the good news just keeps on coming. We're proud to announce that we're now part of the Google Play Newsstand app, available on every Android phone. Every. Android. Phone. That's about 700 million phones! Now, Androids may have a bit of a reputation for being a "guy's phone," but these toys are not just for boys. According to 2014 Nielsen research, 72% of American women own smartphones, compared to 70% of men. Meanwhile, 52% of total smartphone users — including over half of all millennials — are taking selfies, sending emails, consuming news, and getting shit done on an Android. And that's just in the United States. We're thrilled to share our latest beauty, fashion, wellness, entertainment, and lifestyle stories and videos on such a great platform, with such a diverse, tech-savvy audience. Find us on Google Play Newsstand!

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