Amidst the constant rush of New York (and the acute pressure of New York Fashion Week) it is vital to take pause in order to remember 9/11. This morning we are both saddened and reaffirmed — we think of those who lost their lives and loved ones 11 years ago, and take pride in our city and our country when we look around and realize the strength of our combined resilience. Representing NYC is an honor that we don't take lightly — our city serves as a national symbol of tenacity, courage, and growth — not just today, but everyday. To follow, some links we found that give continued thought to what this day means for all of us.
Watch the streaming ceremony live, here. (Brooklyn Vegan)
See the resurrection of the new buildings in time lapse. (The Atlantic)
Read a heartbreaking, very personal post from Ray's New York. (Vanishing New York)
Re-read this compelling 9/11 Twitter re-count. (Storify)
NPR asks, "Are all young artists post 9/11 artists"? Weigh in, here. (NPR)

Photo: Via RaphaelsonLaw