Last night, in the rare books section of the storied Strand bookstore off of Union Square, poet, author, and radio personality Max Blagg offered a little sample of his new book, the highly practical What a Man Should Know Vol. 1. While not necessarily instructive in of itself—the red-covered edition is more full of oughts than how-to's—it's nonetheless a useful little sampler of 50 pithy, almost poetic dictates for the modern man. Number 6, "A Man Should Know What to Say to a Sommelier: Not much&hellip" Other suggestions concern using hammers, the direction of true north, and the proper use of "dude." Thrown by J. Crew— which also published the book and created companion ties available at the Men's Shop at the Liquor Store—the gathering amid the towering bookshelves included J. Crew Creative Director Jenna Lyons and a host of well-trimmed gents and ladies. Blagg rounded off the night by reading from some forth coming works, one concerning practice kissing on his own arm as a boy and another on his introduction to masturbation—two subjects a man should know very well.

What a Man Should Know is available at the J. Crew Tribeca Men's Shop at the Liquor Store, 235 West Broadway, New York, 212-226-5478; www.jcrew.com/tribeca.