Uber & Lyft Drivers Get A New Clubhouse In S.F.

Photo: Via Google+/SoMa StrEat Park.
Peek outside at any given moment, and you’d be hard-pressed not to spot an Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, or Flywheel roaming around. Seriously, how did we travel before their existence? And, while S.F. is no stranger to elite clubhouses (we’re looking at you, The Battery), the latest addition, while not quite as lavish, caters to the men and women behind the wheels of our favorite ride-sharing services.
The Groove is an oasis for drivers to come together and chill out for a little break from driving when needed. Located in the SoMa StrEat Food Park, this barn-turned-lounge will offer 24/7 Wi-Fi, restrooms (which are worth their weight in gold), food, and TVs — for $30 a month. The park is typically open until 9 p.m., but drivers will be able to access the club at all hours.
The idea comes from Manny Bamfo, the former head of growth at Hitch (which was recently acquired by Lyft). He told SF Gate that he hopes to foster a community for drivers. His goals are to have classes and demos on everything from how to manage money to driving tips.
The Groove is open not just to ride-sharing drivers, but also to cab drivers — despite the recent whispers of bad blood between the two groups. Bamfo is hoping to unite them through this endeavor. "At the end of the day, we're all drivers," he said.