Gather round, ye lords and ladies! A brand-spakin' new resto in DTLA brings medieval times to the modern day. (LAist)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt can now add director to his list of occupations. The multi-talented cutie will co-star in his first film alongside Scarlett Johansson. (Deadline)
NYFW hasn't even begun yet and the pretty is already pouring in. From flasks to telegrams, check out these super cool show invites. (Fashionista)
For those of us who want uber-toned, muscled legs sans the work — here's an interesting alternative. (BuzzFeed)
It's a boy for Robert Downey Jr. and his wife Susan! Here's to hoping little Exton Elias grows up to be as successful (and dreamy) as his papa. (People)

Photo: Via Buzzfeed