Asking Your Boss For More Dough Doesn’t Have To Be Awkward

IMG_2466_r_PhotoRavenIshakPhotographed by Raven Ishak.
Asking for more money in the workplace — even though you’re earning it — is awkward. Sure, we may be willing to make some concessions if it’s the dream job, but when the glitter fades, will the pay be sustainable? Fortunately, Teen Vogue has some tips when it comes to acing the anxiety-inducing conversation.
Before entering the negotiation room, do your research and know your worth to the company. If you're bringing your A-game to work and making yourself indispensable, then learn what others in your position and industry are making. Glassdoor is a great tool for discovering this information. Then, once you've done your research, it's time to make the case.
As the article says, "Be gracious: Thank the company for their time and consideration. Keeping the conversation positive and upbeat will focus the discussion on why you deserve that extra cash bump." Deserve being the operative word, of course. You got this. For the full list of tips and tricks, click on over to Teen Vogue. (Teen Vogue)

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