Here's hoping whoever stole a $150,000 Salvador Dalí painting from a gallery on the Upper East Side gets the karma they deserve.
(The New York Times)
New Yorkers sound off on one of the most controversial topics of the summer: should grown men wear flip flops? Personally, we're all for wearing whatever your little heart desires (although we do kinda wish that didn't have to involve looking at strangers' toes). (Gothamist)
Very rarely do we think of our morning commute as cinematic. This ode to the subway station by Marco Raimondi, however, has us thinking of our daily routine in a completely different way. (Animal New York)
Without a doubt, cheese is one of our favorite food groups, which is why we're pretty excited for the 3rd annual Cheesemonger on Long Island City. We have to ask: are there really any losers in a cheese contest? (Cheesemonger)
If you don't get emotional upon reading this piece from the Grand Marshal of NYC Pride, then, congrats, you're probably a robot. We, on the other hand, are tearing up. (Huffington Post)

Photo: The New York Times