The Future Comes To Forsyth Street With This Space-Age New Boutique

After falling off-the-radar for eight months, the Salvor Projects team is ready to launch the Salvor Projects Shop—and the product range is electrified by the energy of the brand's first-ever dedicated retail space. Their trademark graphic-intensity with focus on shape, print, and contour is in full effect, echoing their roots as a DIY, head-turning (yet logical) supplier of threads. The new collection features men's and women's shirting and denim (treated with experimental printing techniques they developed especially for this release), and a selection of accessories, like bags, wallets, and scarves. Check out the new line at their launch party on Saturday, May 14th, 7 p.m. (RSVP to

Salvor Projects, 172 Forsyth Street (between Rivington and Stanton streets); 917-450-9706.