If you’re like us, and haven’t managed to slip out of vacay mode quite yet, you’re in luck. Just when you thought you’d seen all the S.F.-themed time-sucking sites there were, another one has popped up and while it may not be brand new to the scene, it definitely has piqued our interests. The site started in May, and we're not sure how we glossed over it, but we're way obsessed now. Seriously, we just spent 30 minutes on it before we got around to writing this post. San Fran Livin’ (we’ll overlook the cringe-worthy, touristy title), delivers a belly-load of laughs in the form of oh-so-San Francisco scenarios like ... getting lost in Golden Gate Park, landing a cool Lyft driver, stalking Bi-Rite’s new Divis location, and many, many more. And they're all illustrated via GIFs, naturally, which somehow accurately pinpoint our emotions electronically without ever getting played out! In the mood for some AM chuckles? Head on over, just don’t lose track of time — be warned, it’s pretty addicting!

Photo: Via San Fran Livin'