The toast of So-Cal retail makes its Far East debut. By Kat Clements

With its custom-rigged antique console for screening classic fashion films and a vintage French jukebox found at Clignancourt, the boutique is tremendously personal. "We wanted it to feel like the inside of a girl's closet," says Lee, and what lucky ones their customers will have. In all of Aoyama, you'll find no other "closet" selling items from Martin Margiela Line 6 (and that includes the Margiela boutique itself). Some pretty insider stuff for the new kid on the block, and in an area so well known for its clubby cachet, it helps to have that sort of street-cred. But in the end it's not like they really need it.

Satine, Omuniqjarter 1F, Tokyo; +011 03-5774-5021 For more information, go to
The toast of So-Cal retail makes its Far East debut.