Saturn Retrograde Is Over — It’s Time For Your Hopes To Come True

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After nearly four and a half months, the planet of ambition and authority, Saturn, is finally ending its retrograde journey on November 4 at 3:02 a.m. PT. Saturn retrograde began on June 17 in the mutable water sign of Pisces, allowing us to re-envision our goals. The end of the retrograde brings us the chance to make our hopes come true. The backward spin of Saturn, which occurs for a little more than 25% of the year, lessens the austere effects this planet has on us. Now that Saturn is beginning to move forward, we will be motivated to boss up our lives and take control of matters. There is no more slacking off regarding work and getting tasks done promptly.
As Saturn retrograde ends it’ll take us back to March. Think of what was going on then. We are revisiting the story from that moment. This time around, we can amend any unforeseen problems. We have the opportunity to transform our lives and evolve our circumstances — but only if we are willing to learn from the past and use these lessons as a catalyst for growth.
Our recent bouts of introspection will finally pay off. The retrograde gave us time to reflect, allowing us to notice how we can improve for the better. Saturn’s direct motion will make us feel we have a second chance to right our wrongs. We can fix issues we’ve been experiencing at work and in relationships, and even create structure and commit to a routine. Although we have been avoiding responsibility, we can level up by regaining our sense of duty and obligation.
Saturn in Pisces asks us to decipher how we can be more empathetic to others and how we can understand ourselves. At times, we are highly critical of the decisions we make. We are learning to be gentle with how we treat and relate to ourselves. With all the current problems in the world, Saturn’s onward motion will urge people to act accordingly and with kindness. Hopefully, the past can help us find a better direction for the future. Compassion goes a long way. Truthfully, we can all use a hefty dose of positive energy in our orb.
Dreamy Pisces conflicts with the harsh realities imposed by Saturn, such as paying bills and keeping a concise schedule. Learning to merge these two juxtaposing energies won’t be easy in the upcoming months. Reality bites and isn’t easy — but we can infuse it with our imagination, creativity, and intuition. This will give us the foresight to power through our errands and mundane struggles in a more efficient way. We can inspire and motivate ourselves to be successful in all walks of life.
Saturn turns direct on its own day on Saturday. You can honor this with a simple candle magic ritual. You will need a black candle, as black is the color that corresponds to Saturn. But before you do anything else, write a letter of intention first, with an in-depth list of your aspirations. Place the letter under a bowl of cold water and put the seven-day prayer candle encased with glass (as a safety precaution) in the bowl before lighting it (doing so will ensure the candle doesn’t get overheated). Meditate on what needs to be released and what can help us grow while sparking the wick. As the candle burns, take note of how it’s burning — is the glass turning dark (denotes roads are opening), is the wick flickering (shows the energy is hard at work), are there any images imprinted on the glass (points to clues)? This helps us to become aware of what the spirits want us to see. Blow the candle out or use a snuffer and then relight it. Using frankincense incense is another way of embracing and honoring Saturn. Use it throughout the home to shift the vibes and to offer a fresh start.

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