We never stopped rooting for Saved By The Bell to make its much-anticipated comeback. It was our all-time fave after-school indulgence back when jellies and crop tops were in the first time (we still want to be Kelly Kapowski circa 1991), and even after it was long off air — we still waited with bated breath to catch it in syndication. Needless to say, the Bayside High gang will forever hold a special place in our hearts. So, whenever we hear even the slightest mumble of a possible reunion, we have trouble containing our excitement.
Well, according to Lark Voorhies, a.k.a. Lisa Turtle, there might just be a SBTB get-together in store for us (fingers crossed). “'We tend to circumvent and come around to this topic quite often, so I think the buzz might catch,” Voorshies said. This is officially the best rumor we’ve heard in ages (aside from that tidbit about the Spice Girls going on tour again, of course).
We can only imagine how the whole thing would pan out. We’d like to think of it as being a character-themed “Where Are They Now” episode. We predict Jessie Spano is probably a lawyer (or president) by now, Zach a tech mogul, Lisa is a fashion designer, and Kelly is hanging at home with a husband (we sure hope she and Zach were able to make that Vegas wedding work...) and kids? But what about AC and Screech? Any thoughts on where those two are now? And more importantly, are you excited as we are about this? Drop us a line in the comments. Inquiring minds want to know. (Daily Mail)

Photo: Via Facebook/Saved By The Bell