This New Facial Solves All Your Hair Woes

mainPhotographed by Ben Ritter.
It's official: Facials are the new It treatment in the beauty world. But, we're not talking about the ones for, you know, your actual face. Now that butt facials are legit, it seems scalp facials are hitting the market in a big way, too. Turns out, they're more than just a gimmick — they're actually pretty fantastic for a whole host of follicular issues.
"Scalp treatments oxygenate tissues in the scalp and stimulate blood circulation," Caroline Greyl, CEO of Leonor Greyl, says. "The scalp is very different from the length and the ends of the hair. It's alive, so scalp treatments really target many problems you are experiencing, whether it be hair loss, sensitive scalp, dry scalp, or dandruff."
The first step is identifying what you'd like to accomplish with your scalp facial. "For hair loss, I would recommend [a treatment] once a week or three times a month," Greyl advises. Women with pregnancy-related hair loss would benefit from five to 10 sessions, while clients who have damage because of coloring can get results after one session.
While you can give yourself an at-home treatment just fine, Greyl claims the best results come from a visit to the salon. "For Leonor Greyl's in-salon scalp treatments, the techniques and tools that are available to activate the product aren't available when you're doing a DIY scalp treatment," she says. But, we get it if you can't afford to slam down dough on a fancy in-salon experience, so if you're going to go at it in your pad, Greyl has some advice.
"I would recommend having a paintbrush and a bowl to apply the oil to the dry scalp by sections," she says. "To imitate the steam helmet we use, you can apply aluminum foil or shower caps to the head. Just make sure not to leave the treatment on overnight — that can dry out the scalp." Once you get your technique right, you can use these scalp facials to help anything that may ail you — including dandruff and poor hair growth.
As for the products? Do some research to find one that meets your needs. L’Huile de Leonor Greyl has two items that Greyl herself recommends: Huile de Germe de Ble (for hair loss and oily scalp) and Crème aux Fleurs (for dandruff or dry scalp).
And, since a healthy scalp means better hair, you're basically knocking out two tress stressors with one stone. Don't you love it when that happens?

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