It seems that art, fashion, and rock and roll will be joining forces tonight at the Nouveau Classical Project to compromise a highly stylish trifecta. Held at the Nabi Gallery in Chelsea, the project will debut "Sound: Landscape|Ceremony", a "ceremony" that is anything but. A concert, art show, and fashion show all in one, "Sound" will be showcasing music inspired by the paintings of lauded impressionist artist, N.H. Stubbing, while featured musicians will be bedecked in wears from the fall/winter '08 collection of Nicholas K. The edgy, dark, hardware-laden outerwear and plush knits from this season's collection should compliment the dreamy, lush pieces from Stubbing. Sounds like a feast for your eyes, ears, and closet.
Nabi Gallery is located at 137 W. 25th Street, New York, 212-929-6063; www.nabiarts.com and www.nouveauclassical.org