We all know what a tricky game eBay can be, especially when you're the seller. But for all your luxury-hunting needs, there's now eDrop-off (yesss!).
Designers, get your collections ready! Henri Bendel will be holding their semi-annual Open-See casting call where buyers will be previewing (and recruiting) talent for the fall '12 season. (Henri Bendel)
It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's just a ballsy guy illegally climbing the Williamsburg Bridge. If you didn't catch his live act, check out the video he made to prove the feat. (Gothamist)
We like to think New Yorkers have just as many celeb sightings as Angelenos. Check this star map for all the specifics...and don't blame us for the stalkers. (Flavorwire)
Trending: changing your clothes only when they smell? Apparently Charlotte Gainsbourg wears the same thing over and over again. Sniff sniff, maybe it's part of her sexy-cool persona? (New York Magazine)

Photo: Via The Cut