Terry Richardson brings out the hot mama in
Mad Men
matron January Jones for GQ. (Animal)
M.I.A. wore Goodwill second-hand threads to meet with Anna Wintour? It happened! (The Cut)
Kanye West's long-awaited Pastelle clothing line? It won't happen. (The Cut)
Courtney Love has abandoned Twitter leaving us heartsick, hurtling towards Tracy Morgan's warm embrace. It won't be the same. (Flavorwire)
Rachel Zoe has Minears Disease—a double helping of migraines plus vertigo. Our gift basket of scarves and fur vests is already in the mail. (FWD)
You can't keep a good thing down—Polaroid has listened to the masses and will relaunch its instant film. (Animal)
Son of Viv Westwood and Malcom McLaren, Joe Corre has left, Agent Provocateur the sexy, sexy lingerie company he founded. (Elle)
"If you're a woman who doesn't wear a dress, you are gonna take shit. If you're a woman who doesn't wear a dress and shaves her head, forget about it."—Joan Jett (Esquire)
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