Sexy bumblebees. Sexy clowns. Sexy — ick — Fascists. Someone has to be responsible for all the "sexy" costumes we see wrapped around otherwise sane, young women every Halloween, right? Someone must have started this. Someone must be held accountable!
Actually, there is someone willing to stand up and take the blame for those crowds of sexy scarecrows and sexy zombie nurses. In an interview with the Huffington Post, the surprisingly considerate and reserved Hung-Chan Tsai, founder of California-based costume supplier Leg Avenue, claims responsibility for the "sexy" Halloween apparel trend.
Now, perhaps this is a boast, but Tsai has indeed been selling sexy costumes since the '90s. Before then, it appears that sexualizing butterflies and witches for the holiday was a purely amateur phenomenon. Finding a lucrative opening in the market, the Tsai family pivoted their existing lingerie business toward full-time sexy-making. Said Tsai, "If you want to earn money, you have to design according to [customer's] tastes." Can't argue with that.
Lest you think Tsai and his family are just moral-free sexy profiteers (now that's a costume), they've actually developed a more modest line of costumes for younger teens and children to offset all those sexy ladybug and sexy firefighter outfits for adults. Says Tsai, "We're a traditional Taiwanese family that sells kinky Halloween costumes."
That's actually kind of sweet if you think about it. Well, sweeter than a sexy cyclops, at least. (Huffington Post)
Photo: Courtesy of Leg Avenue