We Could Watch These Guys Dance All Day

If ballet sends visions of pink tutus and sugarplum fairies through your head, you might be surprised to meet two of the genre’s coolest rising stars, identical twin brothers Shaakir and Naazir Muhammad. “Every time I tell a person I’m a dancer, it’s like, ‘What do you do? Hip-hop, or pop, or break-dance?’ Nope, it’s American ballet,” says Naazir. Shaakir and Naazir, Brooklyn natives who received full scholarships to the prestigious American Ballet Theatre’s school, are also the debut stars of In Motion, our new series with H&M. If you’re able to briefly take your eyes off of the grace with which they move, listen up to hear how Shaakir and Naazir’s style has evolved on-stage and off, about their outlets for self-expression, and how dance has changed them. You're going to want to watch this mesmerizing couple of minutes on loop.

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