50 Strong

Bpa Free Reusable Water Bottle

At Walmart
You know that you should drink more water, right? The benefits are endless. But you are busy … work, cooking, running the kids to practice, laundry, helping with homework, more laundry … we get it! Plus, you can never keep track of how much water you drank and, when you drink lots water, you have to go the bathroom constantly! We are here to help! Our water tracker bottle will motivate you to drink more water, reminds you to keep drinking throughout the day, and even reminds you to refill your bottle. BOOM! Now, it won’t help with the laundry and, you still may have to go to the bathroom a lot (enjoy that little bit of quiet time), but it will help you to stay hydrated, which can improve your skin, brain power, and even help with weight loss … and who doesn’t want those benefits!?!? You can get this bottle in lots of super fun designs – some inspirational, some serious, and some that are just downright snarky – you choose. Plus, we offer two sizes – 24 oz. and 30 oz., depending on your goals. Even better, this bottle comes with a super soft carry loop that you can carry with just two fingers (because we know you have your hands full with more important things!).