Made By Nacho

Cuts In Gravy With Bone Broth Cat Food 3oz – Beef

At Petsmart
Made by Nacho Grass-fed, Grain-finished Beef Recipe Cuts in Gravy with Bone Broth Cat Food features pumpkin, cranberries and organic grain added for flavor and balanced nutrition. This food is extra-hydrating and extra-delicious. Expect no leftovers. Key Benefits: Complete and Balanced natural wet cat food with added vitamins, minerals and taurine Real organic grass-fed, grain-finished beef is #1 ingredient for protein that is rich in amino acids for strong muscles With bone broth for hydration, an irresistibly flavorful concentrated source of protein and collagen for healthy skin With prebiotics for healthy digestion; Fruits and vegetables like cranberries and pumpkin - a blend that provides fiber and powerful antioxidants to support immune system With organic grains - provide fiber to support a healthy digestive tract and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy throughout the day No corn, no wheat, no soy No artificial colors, flavors of preservatives; With DHA for healthy cognition and Omega Fatty Acids for healthy skin and coat Item Number: 5310410 Brand: Made by Nacho Food Type: Wet Nutritional Option: Natural; With Bone Broth; With Organic Grains; No Corn, No Wheat, No Soy; No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives; With prebiotics Health Consideration: General Health; Dehydration; Gastrointestinal Flavor: Beef Weight: .3 oz