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At Zara
JOIN LIFE Care for fiber: 100% viscose Join Life.
This fiber is sourced from wood from more sustainably managed forests with controlled tree growth with programs that guarantee reforestation. It is produced in facilities that comply with EU BAT (Best Available Techniques), stringent environmental standards defined by the European Union that reduce emissions and waste generation.
Viscose Join Life is sourced from more sustainably managed forests with controlled tree growth, guaranteeing respect for primary and protected forests, and with programs that guarantee reforestation. Additionally, in its production process technologies are used that meet the environmental requirements established by European Best Available Techniques (EU BAT), developed by the European Union, that establish more efficient technologies to reduce energy and water consumption and generation of CO2 emissions.
This product was made following the Join Life standard developed by Inditex Group and based on Life Cycle Analysis, an internationally standardized method that allows assessing the impacts of a product in the various phases of its production, use, and end of life. To assess compliance with the standard, a program has been developed of audits performed by specialized external companies.
Environmental benefits
Protection of endangered and old-growth forests.
Reduction of water consumption
Reduction of power consumption
Reduction of emissions