Signature Style Name Necklace – Gold Plated
Treat mum or grandma to an ultra-stylish necklace, or give yourself the gift you wish you would’ve received! Our Signature Style Name Necklace (Gold Plated) goes with almost every outfit imaginable, from basic jeans to that little black dress we all rely on. Just the thing for your best friend, favourite aunt, or your teen daughter’s birthday, it’s a meaningful all-occasion gift that nearly any woman is sure to appreciate. This delicate, ultra-feminine signature necklace is made of sterling silver with gorgeous 18ct gold plate for lasting beauty. It features a single name or word, rendered in perfect script, and is suspended from a matching cable chain for a balanced, perfectly centred look. Love this necklace and want to see more? View our gold plated jewellery collection for countless styles to add a special, meaningful touch to your everyday look. This item is also available in Silver and Rose Gold Plating.