Hyland's Homeopathic
Smile’s Prid Homeopathic Drawing Salve
At Walgreens
Simply put: This stuff is like the Holy Grail for cystic, chronic, and severe acne.
More from Caitlin Kiernan
Next time you want to pop a pimple, slather on Prid instead. While the brown, sap-like salve looks, well, gross, it will leave your skin smooth and clear. And, it doesn’t just work on tiny pimples. The active ingredients include: Arnica montana, which eases pain and swelling; Hepar sulfur, which relieves abscesses and boils; and silica, which heals eruptions. Simply put: This stuff is like the Holy Grail for cystic, chronic, and severe acne. While the company claims that it can take up to 12 days to see results, some users have witnessed a planet-size pimple disappear overnight.