Women with short hair often find themselves open to all sorts of unsolicited comments. From the backhanded compliments ("You would look so cute with longer hair!") to the passively critical questions ("Do you like it?") to those simple yet weighty observations ("You...cut your hair!"), we short-haired girls frequently find that our hair is apparently fair conversational game.
Being a short-haired girl isn't just about having a certain look — it's not "just a haircut." It's a decision to do the opposite of what women are told to do. Rejecting long, flowing locks is a statement on a lot of levels. And, as more and more celebs hop on the crop train, the issues that short-haired ladies encounter are finally being addressed. Like...the stupid things people say to us. Obviously, people saying dumb things isn't the end of the world — but it sure does make for some awkward conversations.
So, predictably, we have a lot of feelings about Buzzfeed's new list of things to not say to a woman with short hair. It's just so validating to see these common experiences in list form.
Short-haired gals, what have your experiences been like? Does this list speak to you? (Buzzfeed)
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