Here’s Proof That Perfect Style Can’t Be Defined

By sheer definition, the term perfect suggests something that has no flaws, not a hair out of place. But we'll argue that the term doesn't exactly hold up to that promise when it comes to personal style. In fact, style can color way outside the lines, trash all the rules, and still be perfect. And to put that theory to the test, we asked two women, of different backgrounds and POVs, to open up about all things style and how they know when it hits the mark. Their mark. Photographer Bee Walker and Ralph Lauren exec Mary Randolph Carter are prime examples of women who've crafted distinct signature looks based on what feels good, not just what feels appropriate or on-trend. For Walker, it's a stream of neutral hues and clean cuts. And for Carter, well, it's a colorful, harmonious hodgepodge of pieces that she's collected over the years, found on eBay, and unearthed from wherever the self-professed "hunter and forager" may be. Watch on for two unique perspectives but with one surprisingly similar take on what perfect style means. (Spoiler alert: It has nothing to do with what others think.)

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