Already the King of Italian Fashion, Giorgio Armani could soon be scoring the title of Senator. On Monday, President Giorgio Napolitano received a letter nominating Armani to the seat by none other than Santo Versace (yep, brother to Donatella) who, with his serious political clout, could get Giorgio into the seat. If approved, Armani would join the existing seven, ancient Senators For Life who would make the 75-year-old designer look like a teenager (seriously, there's a guy in there who's a century old). Running a fashion empire is no easy task, so a political career could be right up Giorgio's alley. He's already got the politician look with those neon chompers, that "I'm a laid-back-kinda-guy" tan, and a head of hair that rivals Blagojevich's. Here's hoping his first political move will be to appoint fellow stylish Italians Carla Bruni and Miuccia Prada—and before you scoff, life-tenured senators have the same legislative powers as elected officials. Is the whole thing ludicrous? Maybe. But hey—it's just proof that you're never too old to pick up a new hobby. (Wall Street Journal)
Above: Senate Building, image from Webshots; Armani, image from Ciclistica.
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