Simon Doonan On Toddlers & Tiaras, Man Boobs, And Jazzercising

Listen up, honey boo boo child — has Simon Doonan got a gig for you! Last night's Conan featured Barneys own beloved creative ambassador-at-large who continually surprises and delights us with a little taste of the man behind the windows. For instance, it seems that Doonan is quite a fan of high-glam child beauty pageants and thinks these grown-up glitzy gals would make top-notch employees. "I would only employ people that had been child pageant contestants," Doonan told Coco last night, explaining that these tiara tots are disciplined and have learned how to lose without losing heart.
Sure, that's one perspective. But, if you ask us, we rather work side-by-side with Simon himself, who says he likes to break up the office tension with a light-hearted performance: "I get up in the room and do like '80s aerobics." O.M.G. Simon, Let's Get Physical is totally our jam, too!
Check out the rest of the hilarious Simon and Coco banter below, and if you want more, click over to this clip in which the two address a very serious epidemic — man boobs. (Team Coco)
Photo: Via Team Coco

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